Everything You Need to Know About Smoking and Best Smokers

In 2023, the art of smoking meat has evolved with technological advancements, but the core principles remain rooted in tradition. Smoking meat is a method that dates back thousands of years, used originally to preserve meat. Today, it’s primarily about flavor enhancement and creating tender, succulent dishes. This technique involves cooking meat at low temperatures over a long period, using smoke from burning or smoldering materials, usually wood.

An Image Of A Piece Of Meat Being Smoked In A Smoker. The Meat Has A Digital Probe Inserted Into It With A Display Showing The Current Temperature. T


The basics of smoking meat revolve around controlling temperature and smoke. The ideal temperature range for smoking is typically between 200°F and 275°F. This low-and-slow process breaks down the collagen in meat, making it tender. Various types of wood, like hickory, oak, mesquite, and fruitwoods, impart different flavors. The choice of wood can significantly alter the taste of the smoked meat.

Why Bother With It?

An Image Depicting Various Types Of Meats Hanging On Ropes In A Traditional Meat Curing Room. The Meats Include Salami Ham And Sausages Hanging Fro

Why invest time in smoking meat? The answer lies in the unique flavor profile it offers. Smoking infuses meat with a distinct taste that can’t be replicated with other cooking methods. Moreover, it’s not just about flavor; smoking also tenderizes meat, making even tougher cuts mouthwateringly tender.

An Image Of A Large Smoke Drum For Grilling With Pieces Of Meat Hanging Inside. The Smoke Drum Is Open Revealing Its Interior Filled With Smoke And

What Makes Smoked Meat So Special?

Smoked meat stands out due to its complex layers of flavor. The smoke from the wood chips combines with the natural flavors of the meat, enhanced by any rubs or marinades used. This creates a harmonious blend of tastes that are deeply satisfying. Additionally, the slow cooking process allows for a delectable texture that’s both tender and moist.

In conclusion, smoking meat is an art form that combines ancient techniques with modern culinary practices. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pitmaster, understanding the basics of smoking and experimenting with different woods and meats can lead to deliciously smoked dishes. This method, steeped in tradition yet adaptable to contemporary tastes, offers a unique way to explore the depths of flavor in meats.


In 2023, the focus on flavor in meat smoking has seen a resurgence of interest in traditional methods, coupled with innovative techniques. The flavor in smoked meat is not just about the smokiness; it’s a complex profile created by the type of wood used, the specific cut of meat, and the choice of seasonings. For example, applewood imparts a subtly sweet flavor, ideal for pork and poultry, while mesquite offers a robust taste perfect for red meats. Additionally, the trend of incorporating global spices and unique rubs has elevated the flavor profiles achievable in smoking, making it a culinary adventure for both cooks and diners alike.

The Bark

The bark is a crucial element in the art of smoking meat, highly prized among connoisseurs for its texture and concentrated flavor. In 2023, achieving the perfect bark has become a badge of honor for pitmasters. The bark forms when the outer surface of the meat caramelizes, combining with the spices in the rub to create a crispy, flavorful crust. This process is influenced by factors like the meat’s surface moisture, the composition of the rub, and the cooking temperature. A good bark not only adds a delightful texture contrast but also enhances the overall taste, encapsulating the essence of the smoking process.

Melt In Your Mouth…

An Image Of A Beautifully Cooked Melt In Your Mouth Piece Of Meat. The Meat Is Tender And Juicy With A Perfectly Seared Crust On The Outside. Its

The phrase “melt in your mouth” is often used to describe the ideal texture of smoked meats, and in 2023, this quality is more achievable than ever due to advancements in smoking techniques and equipment. The low and slow cooking method inherent in smoking allows collagen in tougher cuts of meat to break down, transforming them into tender, succulent morsels. This is particularly evident in cuts like brisket or pork shoulder, which, when smoked correctly, become incredibly tender and almost buttery in texture. The combination of moisture retention and the gentle breakdown of fibers results in meat that is both juicy and tender, providing a sensory experience that is both satisfying and indulgent.

How The Smoking Process Works:

Direct and Indirect Heat

An Illustrated Comparison Image Showing Two Different Grilling Methods Direct Cooking And Indirect Cooking Inside A Grill. On The Left Direct

In the context of smoking meat, understanding the difference between direct and indirect heat is crucial. Direct heat refers to placing the meat directly over the heat source, suitable for quick cooking at higher temperatures. However, this method is rarely used in traditional smoking, as it can lead to uneven cooking and burning. Indirect heat, on the other hand, is the cornerstone of the smoking process. It involves placing the meat away from the heat source, allowing it to cook slowly and evenly at lower temperatures. This method is essential for achieving the tender, flavorful results associated with smoked meats.

Smoking on a Charcoal Grill

An Image Of A Charcoal Grill In Operation With Smoke Billowing Out Showing The Process Of Smoking Food. There Are Briquettes Of Charcoal Glowing Red

Smoking on a charcoal grill in 2023 combines the age-old charm of charcoal with modern techniques. To smoke using a charcoal grill, one must create a temperature-controlled environment. This is typically done by arranging the coals on one side of the grill and placing the meat on the other, away from the direct heat. Wood chips or chunks can be added to the coals to generate smoke. Controlling the temperature is key, and this is often achieved by adjusting the grill’s vents to regulate airflow. The goal is to maintain a steady low temperature for several hours, allowing the meat to absorb the smoky flavors and cook to perfection.

Smoking on a Gas Grill

Smoking on a gas grill in 2023 is a testament to how traditional smoking methods can adapt to modern equipment. While gas grills are primarily designed for direct cooking, they can be adeptly used for smoking by creating an indirect heat environment. This is usually achieved by turning on only one burner to the desired temperature and placing the meat on the opposite side of the grill. Wood chips, placed in a smoker box or wrapped in foil, are added to the lit burner to produce smoke. The challenge with gas grills lies in maintaining a consistent low temperature and ensuring enough smoke is produced to flavor the meat effectively. The convenience of gas grills, combined with these adapted smoking techniques, makes them a popular choice for home cooks looking to explore the art of smoking.

In 2023, these methods reflect the ongoing evolution of smoking techniques, blending tradition with innovation, and offering various options for enthusiasts to explore and enjoy the rich flavors of smoked meats.

The Maillard Reaction & The Bark

The Maillard Reaction is a culinary phenomenon central to achieving the coveted bark on smoked meats. In 2023, understanding this reaction has become essential for pitmasters and home cooks alike. It occurs when proteins and sugars in the meat react under high heat, leading to the development of complex flavors and the formation of a rich, dark crust on the surface, known as the bark. This reaction is not just about browning; it’s a chemical process that enhances the meat’s flavor profile, creating depth and richness. The bark’s development is also influenced by factors like the meat’s surface moisture, the composition of the rub, and the smoking temperature. Achieving the perfect bark is a balance of maintaining the right temperature and moisture levels, ensuring that the Maillard reaction occurs uniformly across the meat’s surface.

The Proverbial Stall

The “stall” is a well-known challenge in the smoking process, particularly relevant in 2023 as more enthusiasts dive into the intricacies of smoking meat. It refers to a period during the smoking process where the temperature of the meat stops rising, often causing alarm for inexperienced smokers. This plateau typically occurs when the meat reaches an internal temperature of around 150°F to 170°F. The stall is caused by the meat’s moisture evaporating, which cools its surface, much like sweat cools our skin. Understanding the stall is crucial; it’s a natural part of the smoking process, indicating that tough collagen is breaking down into tender gelatin. Patience is key during the stall. Increasing the smoker’s temperature or wrapping the meat in foil (a method known as the Texas crutch) can help overcome this phase.

Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling

“Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling” is a pivotal resource in the world of BBQ and grilling, especially relevant in 2023 as it blends scientific understanding with practical advice. Authored by Meathead Goldwyn, this book demystifies many myths surrounding barbecue and grilling, offering a research-backed approach to these cooking methods. It covers a wide range of topics, from explaining the chemistry of smoking and the physics of heat to providing detailed guides on cooking various meats. This book is particularly valuable for its deep dive into the science behind common practices, making it a must-read for anyone serious about mastering the art of barbecue and grilling.

Download Free – Technique of BBQ

In 2023, the availability of free online resources for BBQ techniques has greatly expanded, offering enthusiasts access to a wealth of information right at their fingertips. Numerous websites and platforms provide downloadable guides, recipes, and step-by-step instructions on various BBQ techniques. These resources cater to all skill levels, from beginners to advanced smokers, covering topics like choosing the right equipment, selecting meats, preparing rubs and marinades, and mastering different smoking methods. They often include tips and tricks from seasoned pitmasters, along with detailed explanations of processes like the Maillard reaction and managing the stall. Leveraging these free resources can significantly enhance one’s smoking and grilling skills, making the art of BBQ more accessible and enjoyable for all.

How Long Will It Take?

One of the most common questions in the world of smoking and grilling as of 2023 is, “How long will it take?” The answer varies widely depending on several factors. The type of meat, its size and thickness, and the desired level of doneness all play critical roles in determining cooking time. For instance, a large brisket can take anywhere from 12 to 18 hours to smoke, while ribs might only need 4 to 6 hours. It’s crucial to understand that smoking is more an art than a science; it’s about the journey, not just the destination. Patience is key. The meat is done not when the clock says so, but when it reaches the right internal temperature and texture. Modern technology, like wireless meat thermometers, has made monitoring this process easier, allowing for more precise control over cooking times.

Time & Temperature for Doneness

An Image Of Succulent Pulled Pork With A Gooey And Delicious Bark. The Pork Shoulder Is Cooked To Perfection With A Dark Crispy Outer Layer And A Mo

Understanding the relationship between time and temperature is crucial for achieving perfect doneness in smoked meats. In 2023, with the proliferation of precise cooking tools and a better understanding of food science, maintaining the right temperature for the right amount of time has become more manageable. Each type of meat has its ideal internal temperature for doneness. For example, poultry should reach an internal temperature of 165°F, pork shoulders are ideally pulled off the smoker around 195°F to 205°F, and briskets excel at similar temperatures. The time it takes to reach these temperatures can vary based on factors like the meat’s initial temperature, the consistency of the grill’s temperature, and even the weather.

Internal Meat Temperature

The internal temperature of the meat is the most reliable indicator of doneness. In 2023, the emphasis on internal temperature is stronger than ever, with a wide array of digital meat thermometers available to assist in this task. Each type of meat has a specific temperature range that signifies when it is cooked to perfection. For instance, steaks are often considered medium-rare at an internal temperature of around 135°F, while pork ribs are ideally cooked when they reach an internal temperature of about 190°F to 200°F. It’s important to insert the thermometer in the thickest part of the meat without touching any bone for an accurate reading. Monitoring internal temperature ensures not only delicious results but also safe consumption.

An Image Of A Digital Meat Thermometer Inserted Into A Large Piece Of Meat Showing The Internal Temperature On Its Digital Display. The Meat Is Half

Grill (AKA Ambient or Pitt) Temperature

The temperature inside the grill, also known as the ambient or pit temperature, is as important as the meat’s internal temperature. In 2023, maintaining a consistent grill temperature has been made easier with the advancement in grill technology, including better insulation and digital temperature controls. For smoking, a consistent low temperature, typically between 225°F and 275°F, is ideal. This low and slow approach allows the meat to cook evenly, developing flavors and textures that are the hallmarks of great barbecue. Fluctuations in the grill temperature can lead to uneven cooking, so monitoring and adjusting the grill’s heat source, whether it’s charcoal, wood, or gas, is essential for optimal results. The use of temperature control devices and apps has become a popular way to keep a steady ambient temperature, especially for long smoking sessions.

Is Smoking Meat Safe?

The safety of smoking meat is a topic of interest in 2023, especially as more individuals take up this cooking method. Smoking meat is safe when done correctly. However, it’s important to be aware of potential risks like the formation of harmful compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which can form when meat is cooked at high temperatures or directly over an open flame. To minimize these risks, it’s recommended to maintain a lower temperature during smoking, avoid charring the meat, and use indirect heat. Additionally, keeping the meat away from direct flames and using wood chips instead of fat-dripping directly onto the heat source can reduce PAH formation. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the smoker or grill to prevent the buildup of burnt residues also contribute to safer smoking practices.


Selecting a Meat for BBQ

When it comes to selecting meat for BBQ in 2023, the emphasis is on quality and suitability for smoking. A high-quality source of meat is essential. This means looking for meat that is fresh, well-handled, and ideally, sourced from reputable suppliers who prioritize animal welfare and sustainable practices. The quality of the meat not only affects the final flavor but also how it responds to the smoking process. Meat from high-quality sources tends to have better texture and flavor, which are further enhanced through smoking.

Make sure it’s from a high-quality source.

Ensuring that the meat is from a high-quality source is more important in 2023 than ever before. Consumers are increasingly concerned about where their food comes from, its environmental impact, and ethical considerations. High-quality meat often means it’s been raised without unnecessary antibiotics or hormones, and with a diet that is natural and healthy for the animal. This attention to quality and source can be tasted in the final product, as such meats often have superior flavor and texture. Additionally, supporting local farmers and butchers who provide ethically sourced meat can also contribute to a more sustainable food system.

Fattier, Tougher (AKA Cheaper) Cuts Work Great for Smoking.

In the world of smoking, fattier and tougher cuts of meat, which are often more affordable, are particularly well-suited for this method. The low and slow cooking process inherent in smoking allows these cuts, such as brisket, pork shoulders, and ribs, to transform from tough and chewy to tender and flavorful. The fat in these cuts melts over time, infusing the meat with moisture and flavor, while the long cooking process breaks down the tough muscle fibers. This makes smoking an excellent way to make the most of less expensive cuts, offering a delicious and cost-effective option for BBQ enthusiasts. The trend in 2023 is towards embracing these cuts not just for their affordability, but also for the rich flavors and textures they bring to the table.

Popular Meats for Smoking


Brisket continues to be a favorite among smoking enthusiasts in 2023. This cut, taken from the lower chest of beef, is known for its rich flavor and tender texture when smoked correctly. The key to a perfect brisket lies in its preparation and slow cooking. The process usually involves a generous rub of spices and a long, slow smoke, often lasting up to 12 hours or more, depending on the size. The result is a melt-in-your-mouth texture with a flavorful crust, or bark, on the outside. Brisket’s popularity is also due to its versatility; it can be sliced for sandwiches, chopped for BBQ plates, or even used in stews.

Pork Butt

Pork butt, also known as Boston butt, is another staple in the smoking community. Despite its name, this cut comes from the upper part of the pig’s shoulder. It’s marbled with fat, which renders down during the smoking process, creating incredibly moist and flavorful meat. Smoking a pork butt can take anywhere from 8 to 16 hours, but the wait is rewarding, yielding tender meat that’s ideal for pulled pork sandwiches or plates. The pork butt’s forgiving nature in terms of cooking and its ability to absorb a variety of flavors from rubs and smoke makes it a popular choice for both beginners and seasoned smokers.


Ribs, both pork and beef, remain a perennial favorite in the smoking world. They require a delicate balance of time and temperature to get right, but when done well, they’re hard to beat. Pork ribs, including baby back and spare ribs, are prized for their rich flavor and tenderness. Beef ribs, larger and meatier, offer a hearty eating experience. The key to great smoked ribs lies in the rub, the smoke, and the time – often several hours – to ensure the meat becomes tender enough to pull away from the bone easily. Glazes or sauces can be added towards the end of the cooking process to enhance flavor and create a sticky, caramelized exterior.

Other BBQ Ideas

An Image Of Ripe Tomatoes And Fresh Chilies Being Smoked Over A Grill For Making A Tasty Homemade Salsa. The Tomatoes And Chilies Are Placed On A Smok

In 2023, the range of meats being smoked has expanded, reflecting diverse tastes and culinary explorations. Chicken, turkey, and lamb are gaining popularity in the smoking community. Smoked chicken, with its tender meat and flavorful skin, and turkey, especially during holiday seasons, offer lighter options. Lamb, smoked with appropriate seasonings, presents a rich, distinctive flavor profile. Even fish and seafood, like salmon and shrimp, are being smoked for their unique taste and texture. These alternatives provide a broader spectrum of flavors and experiences for BBQ enthusiasts.

Preparing the Meat

Preparing the meat is a crucial step in the smoking process. The preparation typically starts with selecting the right cut and quality, as discussed earlier. The next step is often trimming the meat, which involves removing excess fat and silver skin to ensure even cooking and better smoke penetration. After trimming, the meat is usually seasoned or marinated. Seasoning can range from simple salt and pepper to complex rubs that include a variety of spices and herbs. Some cuts, like brisket or pork butt, benefit from a generous rub of spices that not only adds flavor but also aids in forming the coveted bark on the meat’s surface. Marinating, especially for leaner cuts, can add moisture and tenderize the meat. The prepared meat should then be brought to room temperature before placing it in the smoker, ensuring more even cooking. This careful preparation sets the stage for a successful smoking process, leading to delicious and satisfying results.

To Trim or Not To Trim?

An Image Of Two Contrasting Scenes Side By Side Depicting The Concept To Trim Or Not To Trim . On The Left A Hand Is Holding A Knife And Trimming


Trimming meat before smoking is a topic of discussion and personal preference among BBQ enthusiasts in 2023. The decision to trim largely depends on the type of meat and the desired outcome. For meats like brisket or pork butt, trimming is often recommended to remove excess fat that won’t render out during the smoking process. This not only ensures more even cooking but also enhances smoke penetration, leading to better flavor development. However, it’s important to balance this by leaving enough fat to keep the meat moist during the long cooking process. Trimming can also involve removing any silver skin or sinew, which can become tough when cooked and impede the absorption of smoke and seasonings. For other cuts like ribs, trimming might be minimal, focusing on removing loose pieces that could burn or removing the membrane on the back of the ribs for better seasoning penetration and texture. In essence, trimming is about enhancing the meat’s qualities for smoking while ensuring it remains juicy and flavorful.

Tying (or trussing)

An Image Of A Chefs Hands Expertly Tying Or Trussing A Piece Of Meat With Butchers Twine. The Chef Is In The Process Of Securing The Meat To Maintai

Tying or trussing is a technique used in cooking, including smoking, to maintain the shape of the meat during the cooking process. This practice is particularly relevant for certain cuts of meat and whole poultry. Tying meat helps it cook more evenly by keeping it compact and ensuring no thin parts are exposed that might overcook. For example, when smoking a whole chicken or turkey, trussing keeps the wings and legs close to the body, which promotes even cooking and helps prevent the extremities from drying out. Similarly, for a roast or a joint of meat, tying can help maintain an even shape, preventing thinner parts from overcooking while the thicker parts are still underdone. The method involves using butcher’s twine to tie the meat in a way that holds its shape. While it’s not always necessary for smoking, it can be a useful technique for larger cuts or whole animals to achieve a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing result. In 2023, with the increase in home smoking and gourmet BBQing, the art of tying has gained more attention for its role in enhancing the overall cooking and presentation of smoked meats.


Seasoning is an essential aspect of preparing meat for smoking, as it greatly influences the final flavor and texture. In 2023, the trend in seasoning has leaned towards a mix of traditional and innovative approaches, with a focus on enhancing the natural flavors of the meat without overpowering it.


Salt plays a fundamental role in seasoning meat for smoking. Its primary function is to enhance flavor, but it also aids in moisture retention and tenderization. When applied, salt penetrates the meat, helping to break down proteins, which results in a more tender texture. It also works to draw moisture from the interior to the surface, where it dissolves the salt, and then gets reabsorbed, distributing the flavor more evenly. In 2023, the use of different types of salt, such as kosher salt, sea salt, or pink Himalayan salt, has become popular, each bringing a unique flavor profile and texture to the meat. The key with salt is to use the right amount; too little will result in bland meat, while too much can make it overly salty. The trend is towards a careful balance, considering the type of meat and its thickness, as well as personal taste preferences.


Brines have gained significant attention in the smoking community for their ability to enhance the moisture and flavor of meats, especially leaner cuts like poultry or pork loin. A brine is a solution of water and salt, often with additional seasonings and sugar, in which the meat is soaked before cooking. The process of brining helps to season the meat deeply and uniformly. The salt in the brine breaks down some of the meat proteins, allowing it to absorb and retain more moisture during the smoking process. This results in meat that is more tender, juicy, and flavorful. In 2023, the practice of brining has evolved with variations like dry brining, where salt and seasonings are applied directly to the meat without water, and using flavored brines with ingredients like apple juice, herbs, and spices. Brining, whether traditional or with a modern twist, remains a popular technique for preparing meat for smoking, valued for its ability to enhance both flavor and texture.

Dry Rubs

Dry rubs are a cornerstone of flavoring meats for smoking, particularly popular in 2023 for their ability to create a rich, complex flavor profile. A dry rub is a mixture of dried herbs, spices, salts, and sometimes sugars, applied to the surface of the meat before smoking. The purpose of a dry rub is not only to add flavor but also to form a crust, or bark, on the meat during the smoking process. This bark is highly sought after for its texture and concentrated taste. Dry rubs vary widely in composition and can be tailored to complement different types of meats. The trend in 2023 is towards experimentation, combining traditional spices with more unique ingredients to create signature rubs. Key to a good dry rub is the balance of flavors – the right amount of sweetness, heat, saltiness, and aromatic herbs to enhance, not overpower, the natural flavor of the meat.

Brisket / Beef Rub

When it comes to smoking brisket or other beef cuts, choosing the right rub is crucial for achieving the desired flavor profile. A typical brisket or beef rub in 2023 might include ingredients like coarse salt and black pepper as the base, providing a simple yet effective seasoning. Many pitmasters and home cooks also incorporate elements like garlic powder, onion powder, paprika (for color and mild sweetness), and a touch of brown sugar for a slight caramelization. Some might add a bit of heat with cayenne pepper or chili powder. In recent years, there has been a growing trend to add more unconventional spices like ground coffee or cocoa powder, which can add a deep, rich undertone to the meat’s flavor. The idea is to create a blend that complements the robust flavor of the beef without overwhelming it. The rub should be applied generously to form a crust on the meat, which will develop into a flavorful bark during the long smoking process.

Pork / Rib Rub


For pork and ribs, the rub ingredients in 2023 have evolved to include a blend of sweet, spicy, and savory elements, aiming to complement the natural flavors of the pork. A typical pork or rib rub might start with a base of brown sugar, adding a sweet caramelization that is particularly delicious on pork. To this, kosher salt and black pepper are essential for enhancing the meat’s natural flavors. Paprika is commonly used for both its color and mild, smoky sweetness. Garlic powder and onion powder add depth and savory notes, while a touch of cayenne pepper or chili powder introduces a hint of heat. Some modern variations might include ingredients like ground mustard for a bit of tanginess or smoked paprika to enhance the smoky flavor. Other popular additions in 2023 include dried herbs like thyme or oregano, and a touch of cinnamon or allspice for a subtle complexity. The key is to balance the sweet, spicy, and savory elements to create a harmonious flavor profile that enhances but doesn’t overpower the pork.


When preparing a rub for pork or ribs, the process is as important as the ingredients themselves. Start by mixing all the dry ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. It’s important to break up any clumps, especially from the brown sugar, to ensure an even distribution of flavors. Once the ingredients are well mixed, the rub is ready to be applied to the meat.

Before applying the rub, it’s advisable to pat the meat dry with paper towels. This helps the rub adhere better and ensures a more even distribution. Then, generously coat the pork or ribs with the rub, pressing it into the meat to create a good crust. Be sure to cover all sides of the meat for a consistent flavor.

For the best results, let the rub sit on the meat for at least an hour before smoking. This resting period allows the salt and spices to penetrate the meat, enhancing its flavor. If time allows, letting it rest in the refrigerator overnight, covered, can result in even more pronounced flavors. However, it’s important to bring the meat back to room temperature before placing it in the smoker to ensure even cooking.

This preparation method, combining careful selection of ingredients and attentive application, makes for a flavorful and satisfying smoked pork or rib dish.

Poultry / Turkey Rub


For poultry and turkey, the rub ingredients in 2023 tend to be a mix of savory and aromatic spices, complementing the lighter flavor of the meat. A popular rub for these meats might include ingredients like garlic powder and onion powder, providing a robust base. Herbs like dried thyme, rosemary, and sage are often included for their aromatic qualities that pair well with poultry. Paprika, both for color and a hint of sweetness, is a common addition, along with a moderate amount of salt and black pepper for seasoning. For a touch of warmth and complexity, spices like ground cumin or a hint of smoked paprika can be added. Some cooks also include a small amount of brown sugar to balance the savory elements and promote a golden-brown crust. This combination of ingredients aims to enhance the natural flavors of the poultry without overwhelming them.


When applying the rub to poultry or turkey, it’s important to ensure even coverage for a consistent flavor throughout. The rub can be applied both on the skin and under the skin, directly on the meat, to infuse more flavor. For whole birds like turkey, it’s also effective to season the cavity with some of the rub. Additionally, mixing the rub with a small amount of olive oil or softened butter can help it adhere better and keep the meat moist during smoking. Letting the seasoned meat rest for a while before smoking – ideally in the refrigerator for a couple of hours – can allow the flavors to meld and penetrate the meat more deeply.


In the world of BBQ and smoking in 2023, sauces play a significant role in enhancing the flavor of smoked meats. Sauces can vary greatly in taste, ranging from sweet and tangy to spicy and savory. They can be applied at different stages of the cooking process. Some are used as a marinade before smoking, allowing the meat to absorb additional flavors. Others are brushed on during the last stages of smoking to create a sticky, caramelized coating. Classic BBQ sauces often include a base of tomato or vinegar, sweetened with sugar or molasses, and spiced with ingredients like mustard, garlic, and chili. The trend in recent years has seen an exploration of more diverse flavors, incorporating elements from various cuisines, like Asian-inspired sauces with soy or hoisin. The key to using sauces is to complement the natural flavors of the smoked meat and not to overpower them.

Get Started

Getting started with smoking meat in 2023 is an exciting journey into a world of rich flavors and culinary experimentation. The first step is to select the right equipment, whether it’s a traditional charcoal smoker, a gas smoker, or even a pellet grill. Each has its own advantages and can be chosen based on personal preference and the specific requirements of the meat being smoked. Next, choosing high-quality meat and preparing it with the appropriate rubs, brines, or marinades is crucial. Understanding the principles of smoking, such as maintaining the right temperature and knowing when the meat is perfectly cooked, comes with practice and patience. It’s also important to experiment with different woods for smoking, as each imparts a unique flavor. Finally, joining a community of BBQ enthusiasts or following online forums and resources can provide valuable tips and inspiration. With these steps, anyone can embark on the rewarding adventure of smoking meat, creating delicious meals and memories along the way.

Beginner’s Brisket Recipe (KISS – Keep It Simple, Smoker)


For a beginner tackling a brisket recipe in 2023, the equipment needed is relatively straightforward but essential for success. A reliable smoker is at the heart of this process. It can be a charcoal, gas, or electric smoker, depending on personal preference and availability. A digital meat thermometer is crucial for monitoring the internal temperature of the brisket, ensuring it reaches the ideal level of doneness without overcooking. Other handy tools include long-handled tongs for handling the meat, a basting brush if applying a mop sauce or marinade, and a sharp knife for trimming the brisket. Additionally, having aluminum foil or butcher paper on hand is useful for the Texas crutch method, which can help push through the cooking stall that often occurs with brisket.


  • 1 whole brisket (8-10 lbs), with fat cap
  • For the rub:
    • ¼ cup coarse salt
    • ¼ cup black pepper
    • 2 tablespoons garlic powder
    • 2 tablespoons onion powder
    • Optional: 1 tablespoon paprika or smoked paprika for color


  • Start by preparing your smoker. Aim for a consistent temperature of around 225°F to 250°F.
  • While the smoker heats, prepare the brisket. Trim the fat cap to about ¼ inch thickness. Remove any silver skin or excessive fat.
  • Combine the salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder (and paprika, if using) to make the rub. Apply the rub generously all over the brisket, ensuring an even coat.
  • Place the brisket in the smoker, fat side up, and close the lid. Smoke until the internal temperature reaches around 195°F to 205°F. This could take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours, depending on the size of the brisket and the smoker’s consistency.
  • If you notice the brisket stalling around 150°F to 160°F, consider wrapping it in butcher paper or aluminum foil to help it through the stall.
  • Once the brisket reaches the desired internal temperature, remove it from the smoker and let it rest for at least 30 minutes before slicing against the grain.


  • Patience is key. The brisket is done when it’s done, and rushing the process can result in tough meat.
  • Keep the smoker lid closed as much as possible to maintain a consistent temperature.
  • When applying the rub, don’t be afraid to get hands-on to ensure every nook and cranny is covered.
  • The resting period after smoking is crucial as it allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and flavorful brisket.
  • Slicing against the grain is important for tenderness.
  • For beginners, keeping the seasoning simple helps in understanding the natural flavors of the meat and the impact of smoking. Once comfortable, you can experiment with more complex rubs and flavors.

Beginner’s Classic Pulled Pork (KISS – Keep It Simple, Smoker)


For those new to smoking, preparing classic pulled pork requires some basic but essential equipment. First and foremost is a reliable smoker. This can be a charcoal smoker, an electric smoker, or even a gas grill modified for indirect smoking. A digital meat thermometer is crucial for monitoring the internal temperature of the pork. Other essential tools include tongs for handling the meat, aluminum foil or butcher paper for wrapping, and a large cutting board for shredding the pork. If you plan to apply a rub or sauce, a mixing bowl and brush or spoon for application will also be needed.


  • 1 whole pork butt or shoulder (about 6-8 lbs)
  • For the rub:
    • ¼ cup brown sugar
    • ¼ cup paprika (sweet or smoked)
    • 2 tablespoons coarse salt
    • 2 tablespoons ground black pepper
    • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
    • 1 tablespoon onion powder
    • Optional: 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper for heat


  • Prepare your smoker to maintain a temperature of 225°F to 250°F.
  • While the smoker is heating, prepare the pork. Pat it dry with paper towels.
  • Combine all the ingredients for the rub in a bowl. Apply the rub generously to the pork, covering all sides evenly.
  • Place the pork in the smoker, fat side up. Smoke until the internal temperature reaches about 195°F to 205°F. This could take about 8 to 12 hours, depending on the size of the pork butt and the smoker’s consistency.
  • If the pork stalls in temperature (commonly around 150°F), you can wrap it in butcher paper or aluminum foil to help it continue cooking efficiently.
  • Once the pork reaches the desired internal temperature, remove it from the smoker. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
  • After resting, shred the pork using two forks or shredding claws. Remove any large pieces of fat.


  • Patience is essential. The pork will take several hours to cook, and rushing it can lead to less tender meat.
  • Keep the smoker lid closed as much as possible to maintain a steady temperature.
  • The fat side up placement helps in self-basting the meat as the fat renders down.
  • Wrapping the pork during a stall is optional but can speed up the cooking process.
  • Allow the meat to rest after smoking; this step is crucial for a juicy and tender result.
  • When shredding the pork, discard any unrendered fat or tough pieces for a better eating experience.
  • As with any smoking endeavor, simplicity in seasoning can be key for beginners. It allows the natural flavors of the pork to shine through, complemented by the smokiness. Once comfortable with the basics, more complex flavor profiles can be explored.

What Makes Smoking Different From


Smoking and grilling are often mentioned together but are fundamentally different cooking methods. Grilling is about cooking food quickly over high heat, usually directly above the heat source. It’s ideal for foods that cook within a short time, like steaks, burgers, and vegetables. In contrast, smoking is a much slower process, cooking food at a low temperature over several hours. This method uses indirect heat, where the food is placed away from the direct heat source and cooked by the smoke produced, infusing it with unique flavors. The slow cooking process of smoking is perfect for tough cuts of meat, as it breaks down connective tissues, resulting in tender and flavorful dishes.


Grill-roasting is a technique that combines elements of both grilling and roasting. Like smoking, it often uses indirect heat, but at higher temperatures similar to an oven. This method is used to cook larger pieces of food evenly, like whole chickens or roasts, without the charring that comes from direct grilling. Smoking differs in its lower temperatures and the use of smoke not just for cooking, but also for flavoring. The smoke imparts a distinct taste that can’t be replicated with grill-roasting. Moreover, the extended cooking times in smoking allow for a depth of flavor and tenderness that grill-roasting can’t achieve.


Braising is a cooking method that involves two steps: the food is first seared at a high temperature, then finished in a covered pot at a lower temperature while sitting in some amount of liquid. This technique is typically used for tougher cuts of meat, which become tender and flavorful over the long, slow cooking process. Smoking, while also beneficial for tough cuts, doesn’t involve cooking in liquid. Instead, the meat is exposed to smoke in a controlled environment, which tenderizes and flavors it over an extended period. The result is a smoky, rich flavor distinct from the more subdued flavors of braised dishes.

Hot Vs. Cold Smoking

Hot and cold smoking are two different approaches within the smoking method itself. Hot smoking is the more commonly practiced method, where the food is cooked at temperatures ranging from 225°F to 250°F. This process cooks the food while also imparting a smoky flavor, making it safe to eat without further cooking. Cold smoking, on the other hand, is done at much lower temperatures, typically below 90°F. It’s used primarily for flavoring rather than cooking, applied to foods like cheese, salmon, and some sausages. Cold smoking requires precise temperature control to prevent bacterial growth, as the food remains in the “danger zone” (between 40°F and 140°F) where bacteria can multiply quickly. While both methods infuse smoke flavor, hot smoking also cooks and tenderizes the food, whereas cold smoking is solely for adding flavor.

Soaking the Wood

The practice of soaking wood chips or chunks before smoking is a topic of debate among BBQ enthusiasts, particularly in 2023. Soaking is believed by some to prolong the smoking process by preventing the wood from igniting too quickly. The theory is that soaked wood produces more smoke and smolders for longer, contributing to a deeper smoke flavor. However, recent insights and experiments suggest that soaking might have minimal impact, as water only penetrates the outer layer of the wood. Furthermore, soaked wood can lead to a delay in smoke production as the heat first needs to evaporate the water before smoking can begin. This can also lead to a cooler smoking temperature, which might affect the cooking process. In practice, whether to soak wood or not often comes down to personal preference and the specific equipment being used. Some smokers find that using dry wood provides more consistent results in terms of temperature control and smoke quality.

Preparing Wood for Smoking

Preparing wood for smoking is an essential step in the process, as the type and condition of the wood significantly influence the flavor of the smoked food. The first step is to choose the right type of wood, as different woods impart different flavors. Hardwoods like hickory, oak, and mesquite are popular for their strong flavors, while fruitwoods like apple and cherry offer a sweeter, milder taste. It’s important to use wood that is well-seasoned (dried) and free from mold, sap, or chemicals, as these can impart undesirable flavors and be harmful when burned.

The size of the wood is also important and should be appropriate for the smoker and the duration of smoking. Wood chips are small and ignite quickly, making them suitable for short smoking sessions or for use in gas or electric smokers. Wood chunks are larger and burn more slowly, ideal for longer smoking sessions in charcoal or larger smokers. Logs are used for very large smokers or commercial operations.

Before adding the wood to the smoker, it should be clean and dry. As mentioned earlier, soaking is optional and depends on personal preference. If using a smoker box or foil pouch in a gas or electric smoker, fill it with wood chips (soaked or dry) and place it close to the heat source. For charcoal smokers, wood chunks can be added directly to the coals. The goal is to achieve a steady stream of smoke that’s not too thick, as overly dense smoke can lead to a bitter taste in the food.

How Much Wood Do You Use?

Determining the right amount of wood to use for smoking is crucial for achieving the desired flavor without overwhelming the food. In 2023, with a variety of smokers available, the quantity of wood needed can vary based on the type and size of the smoker, as well as the duration of the cooking process. Generally, for a standard backyard smoker, starting with a couple of handfuls of wood chips or two to three wood chunks is a good rule of thumb for a smoking session of a few hours. It’s important to monitor the amount of smoke: the goal is to maintain a consistent, light stream of smoke. Too much wood can produce an overpowering smoky flavor, while too little may not impart enough flavor. For longer smoking sessions, additional wood may be needed periodically to maintain the smoke level. It’s always better to start with a smaller amount and add more as needed, keeping in mind that the flavor of the smoke should complement the food, not dominate it.

BBQ Accessories


In the world of BBQ and smoking in 2023, thermometers are indispensable accessories. They play a crucial role in ensuring the meat is cooked safely and to the desired level of doneness. There are several types of thermometers that can be used:

  • Instant-Read Thermometers: These are great for quickly checking the temperature of meat towards the end of the cooking process. They provide a fast and accurate reading, allowing for a quick response, such as removing the meat from the heat at the perfect time.
  • Leave-In Probe Thermometers: These are designed to be left in the meat throughout the cooking process. They usually come with a digital display that can be read outside of the smoker or grill, providing continuous temperature monitoring without the need to open the lid and disrupt the cooking environment.
  • **Wireless

Types of Thermometers

Understanding the different types of thermometers available is essential for achieving perfect cooking results, especially in the context of BBQ and smoking in 2023.

Bi-Metal Dials

Bi-metal dial thermometers are a traditional type of thermometer used in cooking. They consist of a metal probe with a dial at the end that displays the temperature. The mechanism works through a bi-metal coil in the probe, which expands and contracts with temperature changes, moving the dial to show the current temperature. These thermometers are generally durable and can withstand high heat, making them suitable for grilling and oven cooking. However, they have some limitations: they can be slow to provide a reading, usually taking up to a minute, and are not always as precise as digital thermometers. In addition, the long probe of bi-metal dials makes them less suitable for thin cuts of meat. They are more commonly used for larger roasts where the probe can be inserted deeply into the meat.

Instant Read Thermometers

Instant read thermometers represent a more modern and convenient option for measuring cooking temperatures. As the name suggests, these thermometers provide a temperature reading quickly, usually within seconds. They are compact and typically feature a digital display, offering precise and easy-to-read measurements. Instant read thermometers are highly versatile and can be used for a wide range of cooking tasks, from checking the doneness of steaks and burgers on the grill to verifying the internal temperature of baked goods. Their speed and accuracy make them a favorite among both professional chefs and home cooks. Their main limitation is that they cannot be left inside the meat during cooking; they are designed for quick checks rather than continuous monitoring.

Bluetooth Thermometers

Bluetooth thermometers are a significant advancement in cooking technology, particularly popular among BBQ enthusiasts in 2023 for their convenience and precision. These thermometers connect to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth, allowing users to monitor the temperature of their food remotely. Typically, they come with a probe that is inserted into the meat and a transmitter that sends real-time temperature data to a connected device. One of the main advantages of Bluetooth thermometers is the ability to keep an eye on the cooking process from a distance, without having to constantly check the smoker or grill. Most models come with dedicated apps that provide additional features like temperature alarms, timers, and even cooking tips. This makes them incredibly useful for long smoking sessions where maintaining a consistent temperature is crucial. However, their range is limited to the Bluetooth signal, which can be a constraint if you move out of the signal area.

WiFi Thermometers

WiFi thermometers represent the cutting edge in cooking and BBQ technology as of 2023. Similar to Bluetooth models, these thermometers use probes to measure the temperature of the food, but they connect to your home WiFi network, allowing for remote monitoring from virtually anywhere, as long as you have internet access. This extended range makes WiFi thermometers ideal for smokers who want the freedom to leave their home while still keeping a close eye on their cooking. They also typically come with companion apps, offering features like real-time temperature monitoring, alerts, historical temperature data, and sometimes even integration with other smart home devices. The main advantage of WiFi thermometers over Bluetooth ones is their superior range and connectivity. However, they can be more expensive and require a stable WiFi connection to function properly. For serious BBQ enthusiasts and those who value the convenience of remote monitoring without range limitations, WiFi thermometers are an excellent choice.

BBQ Gloves

BBQ gloves are essential accessories for any grilling or smoking enthusiast, providing safety and comfort while handling hot food and equipment. In 2023, the variety and quality of BBQ gloves have significantly improved, offering better protection and more options to suit different preferences and tasks.


Silicone BBQ gloves have become increasingly popular due to their heat resistance and flexibility. Made from high-quality, food-grade silicone, these gloves are designed to withstand high temperatures, often up to 500°F or more. One of the main advantages of silicone gloves is their waterproof nature, making them ideal for handling wet or sticky foods without getting messy. They are also non-slip, providing a good grip, which is crucial when handling hot pans, grates, or food. Silicone gloves are easy to clean, often dishwasher safe, and resistant to stains and odors. However, while they offer excellent surface protection, they can be less flexible than other materials, and their insulation against prolonged heat exposure might be lower than some alternatives. This makes them more suitable for quick tasks, like turning meats on the grill or removing hot items from a smoker.


Leather BBQ gloves are a traditional choice, favored for their durability and high heat resistance. Typically made from genuine leather, these gloves are designed to protect hands from both heat and flames, making them ideal for tasks like rearranging coals or logs in a smoker or grill. Leather gloves offer a great balance of protection, dexterity, and comfort. They are often lined with soft materials for added insulation and comfort, allowing for longer wear and handling of hot items for extended periods. Leather gloves also tend to be more robust and provide better protection against sharp edges, making them suitable for cutting or handling wood and tools. However, they are not waterproof and can be more challenging to clean than silicone gloves. Leather gloves also require more care to maintain their condition and prevent them from drying out or cracking. Despite these considerations, leather gloves remain a top choice for serious BBQ practitioners who value durability and extensive heat protection.


Fabric BBQ gloves, typically made from materials like cotton or a cotton blend, are valued for their comfort and flexibility. In 2023, many fabric gloves are designed with a focus on dexterity, allowing for more precise movements when handling food and tools. They often feature a quilted or layered design, which provides a good level of heat resistance while also keeping the hands comfortable. Some fabric gloves are treated with heat-resistant coatings or have silicone grips added for better handling of hot items. However, fabric gloves might not offer the same level of heat protection as silicone or leather, especially against very high temperatures or direct flames. They are best suited for general grilling tasks where extreme heat is not a concern. A significant advantage of fabric gloves is that they can be machine washed, making them easy to clean and maintain. It’s important for users to ensure that the fabric gloves they choose are specifically designed for BBQ and high-heat situations, as regular fabric gloves would not provide adequate protection.


Synthetic BBQ gloves, made from materials like neoprene or nitrile, represent a modern approach to hand protection in grilling and smoking. These materials are known for their excellent heat resistance and durability. Synthetic gloves often combine the heat resistance of silicone with the flexibility and comfort of fabric gloves. They can withstand high temperatures while providing a snug fit and good dexterity, making them suitable for a variety of tasks, from handling hot grates to moving food around on the grill. Many synthetic gloves are also waterproof and resistant to grease, oil, and stains, which is particularly useful when dealing with messy BBQ sauces or marinated meats. They are generally easy to clean, often being washable by hand or in a dishwasher. However, like silicone gloves, they may not provide as much protection from prolonged exposure to heat as leather gloves. Synthetic gloves are a great choice for BBQ enthusiasts who are looking for a balance between heat resistance, dexterity, and ease of maintenance.

Charcoal Chimneys

A charcoal chimney is a must-have accessory for those who prefer using charcoal grills or smokers. As of 2023, the design and efficiency of charcoal chimneys have improved, making them even more convenient and effective. A charcoal chimney is a cylindrical tool that allows for quick and even ignition of charcoal without the need for lighter fluid, which can impart unwanted chemicals and flavors to the food. To use a charcoal chimney, one simply fills the upper chamber with charcoal and lights a fire starter or crumpled paper in the lower chamber. The design of the chimney draws air upwards, igniting the charcoal quickly and evenly. Once the charcoal is ashed over, typically within 15-20 minutes, it can be poured into the grill or smoker. This method not only speeds up the heating process but also provides a more environmentally friendly and flavor-neutral way to start a charcoal fire. Charcoal chimneys are simple, efficient, and reduce the exposure of food to potentially harmful chemicals, making them a popular choice among BBQ purists and environmentally conscious grillers.


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